Anders Bergstrom Studio
Paintings I Prints I Drawings I Sculpture I Film I Information
Suite of 9 Prints

Blanca Salazar 2011
linoleum cut and aquatint with chine colle
5 x 7 inches
Jesus Garcia 2010
linoleum cut with chine colle
5 x 7 inches
Agnieska Bielecka 2011
4- plate, aquatint and hardground etching
5 x 7 inches
Mary Choque 2011
aquatint and chine colle
5 x 7 inches
Jean Lauredent 2011
aquatint, collage and chine colle
5 x 7 inches
TPatricia 2011
2-plate, soft-ground, aquatint and chine colle
5 x 7 inches
Rudy Cruz, collapsed 2011
hard-ground etching, cut glue and folding
5 x 7 inches
Kleber 2011
2-plate, aquatint with drypoint, burnishing, scraping and chine colle
5 x 7 inches
Henry Jimenez 2011
hard-ground etching and chine colle
5 x 7 inches